To make a donation, you may give electronically (see CLICK TO DONATE below)
or send your donation to
Wethersfield Dollars for Scholars
P.O. Box 290338
Wethersfield, CT 06129-0338
Your gift to Dollars for Scholars is a charitable contribution. Dollars for Scholars is a Section 501(c)(3) Corporation (Federal EIN@46-5031322). For tax purposes, no goods or services were provided in exchange for contributions.
Citizens Fund requirements
General citizen donations of $25 or more may be mailed to the above address. Donations are also accepted in honor of someone, if desired. If that amount meets $750.00, they will be honored with their own memorial or honor award. If not, the funds will be directed to the Citizens Fund.
Endowment Award requirements:
Donor restricted Endowment Awards require a minimum of $10,000 deposited with Wethersfield Dollars for Scholars. This amount will generate sufficient income to allow at least one scholarship to be awarded annually. Additional gifts of any amount may be added to the principal gift at any time. Such gifts will earn interest immediately upon deposit. Individuals wishing to establish a donor restricted endowment will sign a letter of agreement with Wethersfield Dollars for Scholars. Wethersfield Dollars for Scholars will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the scholarship's criteria be met.
Memorial, Clubs or Named Award requirements:
Donor restricted Memorial, Club or Named Scholarship Awards require a minimum of $750 deposited with Wethersfield Dollars for Scholars. At least one scholarship will be awarded and may carry a balance that will be awarded in the following year/s. Additional gifts of any amount may be added to the gift balance at any time. Donor restricted Memorial, Club or Named Awards sponsors will sign a letter of agreement with Wethersfield Dollars for Scholars. Wethersfield Dollars for Scholars will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the scholarship's criteria be met.